Friday, June 28, 2013


"Dementia".....When I first heard my husband say that word I thought he didn't know what he was talking about, i actually got on line and looked up the word...and found it was an actual disease. i have never told him that i looked it up and that i first thought he didn't know what he was talking about but now that i see my mother-in-law living with it, it breaks my heart, not only for her but for Big John. About 4 months ago i had a bookmark in my bible and on the back of the bookmark i had wrote....I love you Lord and i will do whatever you want for me to do... well a month to the date i get a call from my mom that my mother-in-law wasn't looking to good, you see john had asked my mom if he would send her money so she would go and buy her a plate lunch or a taco because at least he would know she was getting fed a good meal and if my mom would bring it to her, well my mom said yes and she would go and bring her food...well one day she went and out of concern she called me and asked if we would be making a trip to Texas any time soon to see her because she didn't look too good. All i could say was mom i will ask john. Well i told john and he said not this week but we will see when we can go. Well my mom kept on taking her food and checking up on her. But a month after i had put that on my bookmark i found myself on my way to Texas to go "check on" my mother-in-law and when we got there my husband said what do i do and i said we will do whatever you want and we will make it work. Well we took her and started our way back to Louisiana with her. The drive was good for the first 5 hours until my mother-in-law forgot who we were and started getting upset. it was then that John and i knew it was alot worst that we had first thought. I spent a week in the hospital with her and started looking up this word "DEMENTIA". in my search i found it is a very unforgiving disease and it is very tough to deal with someone in this state of mind. There has been times i wanted to give up and i have often wondered why am i doing this...well one day in church i got my answer.....i opened my bible and saw my bookmark and i felt God tell me you said you would do whatever I wanted and i looked at the date and it was a month exactly to the date that we were on our way to Texas. I love the Lord and know HIS way is perfect and i know no matter what HE gives me i can handle because HE will not give me anything I can't handle! with that said i want Big John to know that i love him so much and I will do whatever it takes to help him, and to my kids i thank you for your help in all this....we would not be able to go through this without you all helping out. I have a great boss who is understanding and allows me to be with her when i need to...It breaks my heart to see her in this condition and i cannot understand how someone can allow this to go on for so long and not to try to get her any help for her....BUT GOD KNOWS! and yes  I still "love the Lord and will do whatever He wants me to do"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know it has not been a year since the last post, but i had told Big John i was going to start blogging since i have a job where i basically do nothing! well i actually said to him i was going to post a blog a day but i hadn't had time! alot has happened since the last post almost a year ago, but we moved back to Louisiana and i recently got this office job (which i love) but we are all caught up with work that there is nothing to do unless someone places it on my desk!

God has been good to Big John and i since he got saved back in 1998! when we left Texas back in July of 2010 i wanted to question Big John about moving back to Louisiana but i held back and said to him well if you think this is God's will well lets go back! and in moving back i have seen God's hand in all that He has done for us! there has been plenty of times i question myself but ultimately i leave it in God's and Big Johns hands because we have that promise from God that He will take care of it all if we just are submissive to him and i know if anything goes wrong God will deal with Big John and all i have to do is follow! now i have to say that it is not easy to do and sometimes i get scared but i have to look back and see all that God has done for us and how he has taken care of us! now sometimes i don't get what i want but i do get what i need!

when we left in July the only one that had a job was Big John! we didn't have a home to come to so we stayed in the prophets chamber in the church for about 3 months (houses are not available in this area so easily) but we got a house which i love and i am happy with! we had been looking for a house and i had said i didn't care where or how it looked, i just wanted something quick! well i had started working selling furniture at a local store here and had plenty of down time! well i started looking at magazines and i had seen a picture of a faucet that i just fell in love with and had told God if we get a house i want a faucet like that and i am going to tell Big John that i left everything i had and known in Texas to follow God and him where ever he wanted us to go and all i would ask in return was for this faucet i had seen in a magazine!

well we got a call from a lady that had a 3 bedroom 1 bath home and we went to go look at it! it was OK, not the best but it was in a good area and within our price range. i wasn't totally sold on the house but i figured oh well this has to be it because we have not seen any other homes available! well we got the application and filled it out and held onto it for about a week! when the lady called to see if we were still interested we told her yes and we would take the application to her! well i sent Diana to go and give her the paper. the lady said she would run our credit and call our references and the house would not be available for another 2 weeks! so we said that was OK and said it was all Gods timing but the lady assured us she would hold the house for us. well the following day Big John called me at work and said he had another call to go see a house that was readily available. so after i got out of work we would go see this house.

so when i got out he went and got me and we went to this house. i liked the outside and the neighborhood BUT when he opened the door i saw the same faucet i had seen in the magazine! i knew then it was the house we were going to get and i had peace! i had not told Big John about the picture in the magazine and he asked me what do you think about the house and i told him i like it but its up to you! we talked about the pros and cons of both houses and he decided to go with the second house that had my faucet! i said all this to say that God knows the desires of my heart and to save Big John some grief over a faucet! God is so Good to us!

after he chose the house i told him about the the faucet and he laughed and told me you see God knows your heart and will take care of all our needs and some of your wants!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another year!

Well here you find me writing again a year later! And all I can say is ALOT has happened this past year! The one thing I can say for sure is that God has shown me that Big John is staying true to what God has called him to do and he will not back down or compromise when it comes to the things of God, or the Bible. He has opened my eyes and has taught me that people are not really what they claim to be when it comes to the things of God. I know I am not perfect and I am very far from where I need to be but God has shown me a lot of things in so called Christians. And all I can do is pray. There are times I feel so alone but then I am reminded of THE ONE who will never leave us or forsake us! We are still living in Odem, Texas, but we are going to church in Portland. This past year my dad passed away in July of 2010, but I know he is in a better place and one day I will see him again. Big John had given him the gospel back in 2006 and he accepted Jesus as his Savior so I know one day I will see him again. Last year in July, Big John and I celebrated our 20th anniversary, I must say it was not a good day because I was traveling back from my dad’s funeral on the 27th. I still miss my dad so much. I know God is in control of all things and I think this past year I have learned to trust Him more. There is so much I could write but I won’t….just know that maybe next year I might post it all.....until then......

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well, it's been a year to the date since i last posted! and ALOT has happened in that one year! For starters my husband has moved us to the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS! Pastor Paul Licciardi from Bible Baptist Church in Odem, Texas asked him if he would consider being his associate pastor, well he prayed about it and in September 11, 2009 we moved! I couldn't see us moving at first cause we both had GREAT jobs and he was the associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Jennings La., but John assured me this was God's will so i put my two weeks notice and off we moved! We have had to adjust and it has been a bumpy ride at times BUT i must say i can see the hand of God and we are hanging on for the ride! Now as for my two kids Diana is still not getting married and she is no longer engaged, she is enrolled at the college in Corpus Christi. She is waiting on God and has been a blessing to her daddy and i. Even at 19 she is still "Daddy's Little Girl". Now John John, well he's John John and we are home schooling him. He really prefers to be in public school but for now it's best he is home schooled. And my John, well he still loves the Lord and is working full time at the sheriffs department and is the associate pastor for Bible Baptist Church. He works Monday-Friday and on the weekends or after work he does what pastor wants....He loves the Lord and is willing to do what it takes! Now as for me, i am just here holding on and working. Well i guess this is it for now i might post again soon or maybe i will wait another year! J/K

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well originally i had started this blog because my daughter was engaged and this was going to be about the wedding and i was hoping that after the wedding i would be able to blog about any grand babies He would see fit to give us but I have been informed that the wedding is no longer on. I ask that you please pray for her and the other partys involved. i know the hurt of losing the one you THINK you love and how it feels as though you can never get over it but by the Grace of God and His mercy i know in time things will be restored and the pain will slowly fade away. God has a way of showing Himself in our lives and when we don't listen He really knocks us down---its not to hurt us but to help us and with that said I can truly say i have called out to Him more this week than ever and as wicked and unfaithful i am to Him---He was and is still there!!!! Thank you Jesus! i don't always understand why He does things but i can say His mercy is sufficient for me and with time He will show me why He did what He did or He might choose not to ever tell me so i can draw closer to Him and if that is the case i ask that you please pray for us all!!! We are very wicked people and the devil knows our weaknesses and uses everything he can to destroy someone or even a family but OUR FATHER will never leave us! so once again i ask that you please pray for healing and for God's will to be done! and thank God for friends who at a moments notice are willing to tell you the truth no matter how much it can hurt---and to Big John, Diana and John John i love you---

Sunday, April 5, 2009

OK so maybe this will not be only posts of a wedding! I just want to ask that you please pray for the bus ministry! Big John gets so excited to see the kids! and i love to see him happy! we had a total of 19 on the van today!!! we only have a 16 passenger van but managed to get 19 in there!!! visiting these kids pays off! we had a total of 8 people show up for visitation on Saturday and God really blessed our efforts! we had 7 new riders! after church i took 4 of the kids off the church van and put them in our van to get them home! God is good and had really blessed so please pray for these kids and our helpers!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Well it's been a long time since I have posted but i thought now would be a good time to update you all on the's still on (they just don't have a date set) just continue to pray for Todd as he looks for a house to buy! They have both got involved in the bus ministry and i think they enjoy it---well i can say Diana is enjoying it because she has done it in the past and has enjoyed doing this before!!! Today we had a good day! We had 12 kids today, 7 were new riders! Total riding in the van including helpers and kids was 17!!! God has blessed our efforts! Just pray for the church members---there is so much i want to say about that but i won't so i ask that you pray for hearts to get right! well i guess this is all for now! and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for me! BOY DO I NEED IT!!!